Stephen Kokx
October 2, 2020
If there were more priests like Fr. Frank Pavone, America would be a much more God-fearing nation.
Fr. Pavone is perhaps best known for his activism on behalf of the unborn, and currently serves as the national director of Priests for Life.
During a recent interview with LifeSiteNews, he strongly denounced the sham organization known as “Catholics for Biden.”
“People who talk about ‘single-issue Catholic voting’ are setting up a straw man,” Pavone said. “Biden’s ‘Catholic’ problem does not just involve abortion.”
He also reminded LifeSite journalist Doug Mainwaring that Joe Biden helped usher in the HHS mandate that forced the Little Sisters of the Poor to provide abortion-inducing drugs to their employees.
“So are ‘Catholics for Biden’ not to care that their clergy, their Church, and its ministries will again be battling in court so that they don’t have to choose between following their faith and following the law?” asked Pavone.
Pavone was not the only priest to throw cold water on the dissident group. Fr. Stephen Imbaratto and Fr. Michael Orsi did as well.
“The whole idea of Catholics for Biden is a scam,” said Orsi, a priest of the Diocese of Camden, New Jersey.
They want to “gloss over his hostility to the Catholic teaching condemning abortion…voting for Biden will broadly expand abortion, even to the time of birth if he were to be elected,” Orsi continued. “This in itself may cause a voter to at least be responsible for material cooperation in sin.”
Fr. Imbarratto, a long-time pro-life activist who has spent time in jail for attempting to rescue babies from being aborted, made similar comments.
Biden’s actions have caused “multiple grave scandals against our Catholic faith,” he said. Joe Biden “violates his Catholic faith” by supporting abortion, contraception, the LGBT agenda, same-sex “marriage,” and by remaining silent as left-wing organizations attack Catholic Churches and property.
Read the whole interview on LifeSite by clicking here.
Be sure to say a prayer of thanksgiving for Fr. Pavone, Fr. Orsi, and Fr. Imbarratto. God knows we need good shepherds now more than ever.