Stephen Kokx
October 13, 2020
Jesse Romero is the author of the best-selling book “A Catholic Vote for Trump: The Only Choice in 2020 for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents Alike.”
Romero’s been hitting the campaign trail on behalf of Catholics for Trump lately. He’s also been giving interviews to a variety of Catholic media outlets touting his book and explaining why Catholics should vote for President Trump in 2020.
Some of the most well-known websites he’s appeared on in the last several months include LifeSiteNews, Church Militant, and the Dr. Taylor Marshall Show.
This past weekend, Catholics for God and Life in 2020, a project of FedUp PAC got a quick interview with Mr. Romero.
We asked him about what he thinks President Trump has done for Catholics thus far and what he thinks he would accomplish during his second term.
“He created the greatest economy this country has seen in 60 years,” Romero stated.
“President Trump has kept his promise to crack down on trade cheaters and to promote fair and equal trade for all Americans,” he added.
Romero, a Hispanic, said that he believes there would not only be more victories for pro-life conservatives if President Trump wins re-election, but that there would also be “the prosecution of many people in the deep state and the Deep Church.”
Romero said that if Sleepy Joe Biden wins the presidency, there will be “higher taxes, open borders, more mobs, less jobs, gun control, the green new deal and anti-Catholic legislation.”
Romero concluded our brief interview by saying he agrees with Cardinal Raymond Burke, who recently said that Joe Biden is not a Catholic in good standing given his radical views on abortion and LGBT extremism.
“It is a Bishop’s job to govern the Church and her members. Joe Biden's voting record puts himself outside of the pale of Catholic teaching. This is for the salvation of his soul,” Romero said.
“A censure from a Bishop is meant to bring him to repentance,” he continued. “Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say to be aware of the difference between a bad man and an evil man. A bad man sins, an evil man tries to get others to sin, to be complicit in his sin, to bring another soul to ruin as he has done for himself. Joe Biden is an evil man because he maximizes damage by using his political power and forces others to cooperate with him through legislation.”
Be sure to say a prayer for Joe Biden so he repents of his liberal ways and becomes a Catholic in good standing with the Church.
And also be sure to talk to all your fellow Catholics about why a vote for Joe Biden is a vote against the Catholic church. Use the resources Catholics for God and Life in 2020 have provided for you to get the word out that the new Democrat Party is anti-Catholic, anti-life and anti-God.