Dear Fellow Catholic,
Thank you for signing up as a volunteer Conservative Catholic Crusader (CCC)!
Today, you’ve become part of a unique group of activists, true soldiers of Christ, who will now have access to “ready-to-use” materials to quickly respond to the Democrats attacks on pro-life Catholics seeking to serve in top U.S. government jobs.
Additionally, the Democrat’s all-out assault on the unborn now have a new problem – it will be you and thousands of other pro-life CCC activists. You and many others will now be well organized and armed with facts, arguments, and the truth to beat back the Democrat’s lies and plots to finally bring about unlimited taxpayer funded abortions.
Please go to www.CatholicsforGod& today and begin fighting back!
Also, keep an eye out for an e-mail in the next few days about a project of great concern you and other newly signed up Conservative Catholic Crusaders (CCC) can help with immediately.
For God, Life, and Country,
Richard A. Viguerie
Founder & Chairman
Catholics for God & Life